2024 'Emotions' Easter Trail
Brand new for 2024 - Our 'emotions' Easter trail contains just 6 simple stations exploring the Easter story and the different emotions felt by those people present.
You can purchase Easter Stickers at our sister site www.foundationstones.co.uk
The stickers come in seven different colours and are just £5 for 105 stickers including postage. With the message 'I completed the Easter Trail' they can be used alongside any trail materials.

Original Easter Trail
After the popularity of our Christmas Nativity Trail we have created this ten point Easter Story Trail. There are once again versions with or without a QR code. The code takes you to www.tath.co.uk/easter-trail where families can download a copy of the Easter Story.
Alternatively you might choose to add your own QR codes or church information to the posters. You could also attach the sections of the Easter Story to your trail points for people to read as they take part.

If you are running the trail on behalf of a toddler group you might prefer to use this version of the trail. It contains slightly simpler wording and the trail points are not numbered so you can choose which parts of the story to include. The more graphic images have been removed including the crown of thorns and Jesus' wounds.
These sheets are designed to be used to spark discussion through Holy Week from Palm Sunday to Easter Saturday. Each sheet explores part of the story through a different part of our bodies!
Palm Sunday - hands
A gift for Jesus - noses
Jesus speaks of his death - ears
Jesus washes the feet of his friends - feet
Jesus shares a meal - mouth
Good Friday - eyes
Jesus in the tomb - hearts
Now updated to include Easter Sunday!
If you would like something more similar to our Sunday packs the resources from other years are still available below.
Stations of the cross
Discussion pack
All about Easter Eggs
These sheets are designed to be used to spark conversation and reflection based on the traditional stations of the cross.
This sheet was designed to explain some of the symbols and messages of hope that Christians can recognise in Easter eggs. It is aimed at those without a faith.
Are there pancakes in the Bible?
Shrove Tuesday resource
On the dusty road
Ash Wednesday resource
Together @ Lent
Love yourself through Lent
Easter Story Egg Hunt
This Easter Egg Story hunt was shared in Easter 2020, a new version suitable for use in your local area is coming soon!
This Holy Week Pack and the Together at Home materials below were produced for Easter 2020 - new versions will be released in 2021 as well.
Emmaus Road
Easter trail in Ukranian
Many Orthodox Ukrainians will be celebrating Easter a week later, if you are supporting Ukrainian families in your community we are delighted to be able to share the Easter Story and Tick sheets in Ukrainian which can be used alongside our trail.
Huge thanks to Cricken Church in Dublin for sharing the translation with us.